患者女性,52岁,营业员。住院号86371。因发热、乏力、全身关节肿痛加重半月,伴胸闷、气短及右侧胸痛1周。予1993年5月26日收住院。患者近7年来曾因进行性系统性硬化症而反复4次住入我科诊治,均在全身症状有所缓解后出院。 入院查体:T 38.6℃,P 84min~(-1),R 21min~(-1),BP 16.8/10.4kPa。表情呆板呈假面具样,面颊及口唇周围可见毛细血管扩张,面部皮肤可见斑点状色素脱失及片状白斑。鼻尖似鹰嘴,口唇变薄,出现放射状沟纹,口唇紧
Patient female, 52 years old, salesperson. Hospital number 86371. Due to fever, fatigue, systemic joint pain increased half a month, with chest tightness, shortness of breath and right chest pain for 1 week. May 26, 1993 admitted to hospital. Patients with progressive systemic sclerosis over the past 7 years and repeated 4 times admitted to our clinic, were relieved after systemic symptoms were discharged. Admission examination: T 38.6 ℃, P 84min ~ (-1), R 21min ~ (-1), BP 16.8 / 10.4kPa. The facial expression was dull and masked. The capillaries were dilated around the cheeks and lips, and spotted pigmentation and flaky white spots were visible on the facial skin. Nasal tip like olecranon, lip thinning, there radial radial groove, tight lips