我和我的朋友让,坐在露天咖啡座上,闲适地谈东说西。这时,发现对面便道上闪出一个庞然大物。它喘声山响,飞也似地擦过马路旁边的橱窗,径直朝前冲去。这是一头犀牛。它所经之处,行人无不急忙闪路。有个家庭主妇惊叫了一声,篮子从手里滑到地上,酒瓶子摔碎了,酒洒了一地。还有几个走路的,其中有一个老头儿,都忙不迭地躲进了店铺。刹那间,事情过去了。行人从躲避的地方走了出来,仨一群五一伙地望着跑远了的犀牛。对刚才发生的事议论纷纷。尔后,也就各自走开了。 我的反应相当迟钝。我漫不经心地记下了那奔驰而过的犀牛的模样,根本没想过这有什么要紧。加上头天晚上,给一个伙伴庆贺生日,大家痛饮了一回,于是,早上我觉得身上疲乏,嘴里发苦。让没有跟我们一块儿喝酒。因此,这场一惊吓一过,他便嚷嚷起来:“犀牛竞在市内乱跑,你不觉得这是
Let me, my friend, sit in the open-air cafe and talk idly to the west. At this time, found on the sidewalk flashed a monster. It bellowed, flying also grazed the window next to the road, rushed straight ahead. This is a rhino. Wherever it goes, pedestrians are not hurrying flash. A housewife screamed, the basket slipped from the floor to the floor, the bottle smashed and the wine spilled. There are several walking, including an old man, are hurriedly hide in the shop. In an instant, things passed. Pedestrians walked out of the sheltered place, a group of 51 groups looking at running away rhinos. There are many arguments about what happened. Later, they also go away. My response is quite slow. I casually wrote down the look of the rhinoceros that I’ve been in before and did not even think about it. Plus the night before, to celebrate the birthday of a partner, everyone took a sip, so in the morning I feel tired, his mouth bitter. Let’s not drink with us. So, after a startled moment, he exclaimed: "Rhino is running around the city, you do not think it’s