At different periods in history, there are systems that have different influences on the way people live. In short, both the system of restraining paternity and separation, the separation of brothers and the encouragement of extended families, there is also a system environment conducive to the growth of small families. For most of the time, laws, policies, clan traditions, and customary restrictions on dwelling division played a role, but they were less rigid, and the law of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties made concessions to the separation of dwelling units. Since family support in the non-welfare society is an obligation not to be dwelling on behalf of offspring, it is difficult for families with mixed families of brothers and daughters to maintain their common families while their parents are alive. However, immediate families were an important form before modern times. Overall, historically, the family form is composed of an immediate family, a complex family and a nuclear family. Both the immediate family and the core family are higher than the multi-family in the two categories of small and medium-sized families, of course, there will be differences in different social strata.