在1993年全国初中数学联赛中,南城一中在江西赛区创下了国内初中数学竞赛史上罕见的佳绩:他们不仅十人参赛十人获奖,而且夺得个人及团体双项冠军;余虎同学以满分并列全国第一;参赛获奖的十名同学均出自辅导老师程晓鸣所任教的初三(5)班,其中7人获一等奖、3人跻身个人一等奖的前5名。今年教师节,程晓鸣荣获全国教育系统劳动模范称号,被授予人民教师奖章。 刚过而立之年的程晓鸣,1982年毕业于江西师范大学数学系,回
In the National Junior League Maths League in 1993, Nancheng First Middle School set a rare success in junior middle school math competitions in Jiangxi Division. They not only won ten prizes but won both individual and group titles. Tied for the first in the country. The 10 students who won the prize were all from the third (5) classes taught by their mentor, Cheng Xiaoming. Among them, seven won the first prize and three were among the top five individuals in the first prize. Teacher’s Day this year, Cheng Xiaoming won the title of model worker in education system nationwide and was awarded the People’s Teacher Medal. Cheng Xiaoming, who had just passed the time, graduated from Department of Mathematics, Jiangxi Normal University in 1982 and returned