Modeling the Contemporary Stress Field and Deformation Pattern of Eastern Mediterranean

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhugjl012800
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The contemporary stress field in the earth’s crust is important and provides insights into mechanisms that drive plate motions.In this study,elastic plane stress finite element modeling incorporating realistic rock parameters was used to calculate the stress field,displacement field,and deformation of the plate interactions in the eastern Mediterranean.Modeled stress data for the African-Arabian-Anatolian plate interactions with fixed European platform correlate well with observed contemporary stress indicator from the world stress map(WSM) and focal mechanism of earthquakes;while displacement field agrees qualitatively well with GPS vectors and sense of motion indicated by focal mechanisms for large crustal earthquakes(Ms>6) and plate motion models.Modeling result shows the direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress(σHmax) toward the direction of absolute motion of these plates.Large perturbations in σHmax orientations are shown to occur in and around tectonic boundaries between those plates.It is observed that,although the African plate acts mostly as indenter,which transmits the collisional motion from the Arabian plate to the Anatolian plate,in the current situation,the far-field stress,probably from the subduction in Aegean Arc,is needed to satisfy the contemporary stress field in Anatolia. The contemporary stress field in the earth’s crust is important and provides insights into mechanisms that drive plate motions. In this study, elastic plane stress finite element modeling incorporating realistic rock parameters was used to calculate the stress field, displacement field, and deformation of the plate interactions in the eastern Mediterranean. Modeled stress data for the African-Arabian-Anatolian plate interactions with fixed European platform correlate well with observed contemporary stress indicator from the world stress map (WSM) and focal mechanism of earthquakes; while displacement field agrees qualitatively well with GPS vectors and sense of motion indicated by focal mechanisms for large crustal earthquakes (Ms> 6) and plate motion models. Modeling result shows the direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress (σHmax) toward the direction of absolute motion of these plates. Larger perturbations in σHmax orientations are shown to occur in and around tectonic boundaries bet ween those plates .It is observed that, although the African plate acts mostly as indenter, which transmits the collisional motion from the Arabian plate to the Anatolian plate, in the current situation, the far-field stress, probably from the subduction in Aegean Arc , is needed to satisfy the contemporary stress field in Anatolia.
编者按  改革评价制度是落实素质教育的根本性措施。从2004年起,郑州市二七区永安街小学在河南大学相关研究人员的指导下,承担了全国教育科学“十五”规划课题“城市小学全息化评价模式研究”,对“全息化学生评价”从理论上积极探索,病在全校范围内进行改革实验,取得了明显的成效。我们编发此稿,以期更多的教育理论研究能够渗透到学校实际工作中去,指导教育教学。推动学校素质教育向纵深发展。    问题透视:寻找当
山 羊爷爷年纪大了,小猴总帮他收拾屋子。这次快收拾完时,他发现墙 上的表停了,指针指向六点整。  “肯定是没电了。”小猴忙 换了电池,表果然开始走了。  过了一会儿,山 羊爷爷要从新买的保险箱里拿东西,输密码时抬头看了看表,立刻说道:“呀!怎么开始走了?表 针指的可是我的密码呀!”  小猴听了,忙取下電池,把表针拨回原位。  山羊爷爷瞧了瞧,嘴里念着“一、二、六”,“咔”的一下把保险箱打开了,脸上