In the winter season in the Humeng district, 25-30 million sheep are slaughtered by the Hailar meat factory, of which more than 90% are sheep and the rest are goats. Since the beginning of 1979, about 0.1% of sheep’s spleen has been enlarged in the test, and its volume can be several times larger than normal spleen. According to the survey, the factory did not find suspicious goats during the pre-slaughter inspection; the spleen enlargement was seen several times, even 5 to 10 times, after the post-mortem inspection. The spleen surface showed no abnormalities in color, and a few were pale red (swelled more than 5 times. (1) Lymph nodes in front of the shoulders and anterior thighs are swollen, of high quality, gray and dense cut face, no abnormal kidney shape, some see the tip of the needle in the cortex to the needle