20世纪 50年代以来计算机技术、信息科学和空间科学的发展对高精度时间频率提出了日益增长的需求 ,电子技术、空间技术和量子物理的发展推动了高精度时间频率领域的学科发展和技术进步。简要介绍时间尺度、UT1的测定技术、守时钟、时间同步技术和授时手段各方面半个世纪的飞速发展 ,并展望未来时间工作的前景。
Since 1950s, the development of computer technology, information science and space science has put forward an increasing demand for high-precision time and frequency. The development of electronic technology, space technology and quantum physics have promoted the development of disciplines and technology in the field of high-precision time and frequency . Briefly introduce the time scale, UT1 measurement technology, keep the clock, time synchronization technology and timing means all aspects of the rapid development of the past century, and look forward to future work prospects.