乔治不到50岁就死了。在那个世界,他见到了上帝。乔治向上帝说:“主啊,我在人间活了50年,—次飞黄腾达的机会您也没给我, 因为这,我平庸度过了此生。”上帝说:“是吗?您认为哪些机会没有给你呢?”乔治说:“我的志向是像比尔·盖茨那样, 成为IT精英,成为世界首富,我要建立电脑王国,我要住在西雅图市华盛顿湖畔的豪华别墅。可是,我的这些理想都没有实现。原因呢?就是您没有让我在哈佛大学就读。如果当年我在哈佛大学学习,那么创立微软公
George died less than 50 years old. In that world, he met God. George said to God, “Lord, I lived in the world for 50 years. You didn’t give me a chance to fly. Because of this, I lived this life in mediocrity.” God said: "Is that what do you think? Didn’t give it to you?” George said: “My ambition is like Bill Gates. Be an IT elite and become the richest man in the world. I want to build a computer kingdom. I want to live in a luxury villa on the shore of Lake Washington in Seattle. But I These ideals have not been realized.The reason is that you did not allow me to study at Harvard University.If I studied at Harvard University, then create Microsoft