【摘 要】
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Britton Chance on the occasion of his 100th birthday (July 24th, 2013), and remembering many exciting discussions on the oxygenation of breast cancer, on tumor hypoxia in general and imaging of the oxygenation status o
【机 构】
【出 处】
Dedicated to the memory of Professor Britton Chance on the occasion of his 100th birthday (July 24th, 2013), and remembering many exciting discussions on the oxygenation of breast cancer, on tumor hypoxia in general and imaging of the oxygenation status of malignant tumors. Hypoxic tissue subvolumes are a hallmark feature of solid malignant tumors, relevant for cancer therapy and patient outcome because they increase both the intrinsic aggressiveness of tumor cells and their resistance to several commonly used anticancer strategies. Pathogenetic mechanisms leading to hypoxia are diverse, may coexist within the same tumor and are commonly grouped according to the duration of their effects. Chronic hypoxia is mainly caused by diffusion limitations resulting from enlarged intercapillary distances and adverse diffusion geometries and — to a lesser extent — by hypoxemia, compromised perfusion or long-lasting microregional flow stops. Conversely, acute hypoxia preferentially results from transient disruptions in perfusion. While each of these features of the tumor microenvironment can contribute to a critical reduction of oxygen availability, the delivery of imaging agents (as well as nutrients and anticancer agents) may be compromised or remain unaffected. Thus, a critical appraisal of the effects of the various mechanisms leading to hypoxia with regard to the blood-borne delivery of imaging agents is necessary to judge their ability to correctly represent the hypoxic phenotype of solid malignancies.
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激光雷达的弱小目标检测是激光雷达的关键技术, 其主要研究难点之一是在低信噪比下, 可用于区分目标与背景噪声的特征少。研究的对象是激光雷达的远距离目标回波, 主要指空中飞机目标。根据试验得到的数据, 发现目标点在背景中往往是一些孤立的点, 与背景的相关性较小。而背景中的任一点与前后背景点相关性较强, 可以用周围的点进行线形或非线性表示。为解决低信噪比下激光雷达的目标检测问题, 提出了基于背景特征参数的目标检测算法。运用高阶统计量作为背景特征值对杂波数据进行处理。在一个小区域内, 背景的高阶统计量不会有很大的