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课程教学改革是提高本科教学质量的重要途径,卓越工程师教育培养计划专业验收和工程教育专业认证,对课程教学提出了专门的要求。以通信工程专业核心课程“光纤通信系统”的教学改革和实践为例,探讨了卓越课程建设实施过程中的课程教学改革的教学思想和教学理念、课程教学具体方案设计、课程项目设计、课程工程实践等问题。卓越课程教学改革与实践,对专业通过卓越工程师教育培养计划专业验收和进行工程教育专业认证,具有一定的指导意义。 Course teaching reform is an important way to improve undergraduate teaching quality, excellent engineer education and training plan professional acceptance and engineering education professional certification, made specific requirements for the teaching of the course. Taking the teaching reform and practice of the core course of communications engineering “optical fiber communication system ” as an example, this paper discusses the teaching ideas and teaching concepts of course teaching reform in the course construction and implementation of excellent courses, the specific program design of course teaching, the design of course items, Curriculum engineering practice and other issues. Excellent course teaching reform and practice, the professional through the excellent engineer education plan professional acceptance and engineering education professional certification, has a guiding significance.
从教十多年,每天在三尺讲台上天马行空,师生乐在其中。通过东北师范大学“农村中小学专家型教师”培训,便有了一些想法和体会。  教育分教和教两层含义,教即教知识,教即教化思想。教育即是把人培养成人的事。教育的发展要紧跟时代的步伐,要适应现代社会发展的需要。目前,随着我国经济日新月异的发展,出现了教育发展的滞后现象,这种滞后现象最明显的是体现在教育思想和教育理念的落后上。大学教师关心的是:我要讲什么课程
目的:   本课题拟通过临床神经功能缺损程度比较、中医证候疗效评价来观察醒脑静注射液对急性期出血性中风的临床疗效,进一步探讨出血性中风的发病机理及醒脑静注射液对急性