Variation of soil △δ ~(13)C values in Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence and its paleoenvironmental impl

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The carbon isotopic compositions of soil organic matter (SOM) and total carbonate (TC) in Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence have been studied. The δ 13CSOM values vary from ?23.8‰ to ?20.2‰, which are higher in interglacial than in glacial stages. Contrary to δ 13CSOM values, the δ 13CTC values vary from ?8.5‰ to ?3.6‰ and are lower in interglacial than in glacial stages. The differences (?δ 13C) be- tween the δ 13CSOM and δ 13CTC values vary from 14.1‰ to 19.4‰. Our results from the Xifeng loess- paleosol sequence indicate that the ?δ 13C values represent the ratio of primary carbonate (PC) to secondary carbonate (SC). The ?δ 13C values were high in the loess stages, and the maximal PC-to-SC ratio can reach 6:4. But in the paleosol stages, the ?δ 13C values were low, with a small proportion of PC. The ?δ 13C values in loess-paleosol sequence also indicate the contributions of the dust to the loess sediment in the Chinese Loess Plateau because the dust contains the PC. The carbon isotopic compositions of soil organic matter (SOM) and total carbonate (TC) in Xifeng loess-paleosol sequence have been studied. The δ 13 CSOM values ​​vary from? 23.8 ‰ to 20.2 ‰, which are higher in interglacial than in glacial stages . Contrary to δ 13 CSOM values, the δ 13 CTC values ​​vary from? 8.5 ‰ to 3.6 ‰ and are lower in interglacial than in glacial stages. The differences (δ δ 13C) be-tween the δ 13CSOM and δ 13CTC values ​​vary from 14.1 ‰ to 19.4 ‰. Our results from the Xifeng loess- paleosol sequence indicate that the δ 13C values ​​represent the ratio of primary carbonate (PC) to secondary carbonate (SC). The δ 13C values ​​were high in the loess stages, and The maximal PC-to-SC ratio can reach 6: 4. But in the paleosol stages, the? δ 13C values ​​were low, with a small proportion of PC. The? δ 13C values ​​in loess-paleosol sequence also indicate the contributions of the dust to the loess sediment in the Chinese Loess Plateau because the dust contains the P C.
实数的三个简单性质:(一)奇数≠偶数; (二整数≠既约分数;(三)有理数≠无理数,在反证法中很有用.例1证明:满足勾股定理的整数勾股 Three simple properties of real numbers