川芎 丹参 川芎与丹参皆为常用的活血药,均能活血祛瘀,调经止痛,都可用治瘀血阻滞所致的经闭痛经,月经不调,产后瘀滞腹痛,心腹疼痛,瘕积聚,跌打损伤等证,常相须为用。二者酒制均能增强活血作用。不同之处在于:川芎辛散温通,既能活血,又能行气,为“血中之气药”,寒凝气滞
Chuanxiong Danshen Chuanxiong and Salvia miltiorrhiza are all commonly used as active blood agents. They all can activate blood stasis and regulate menstruation and relieve pain. They can all be used to treat dysmenorrhea caused by blood stasis due to stagnation of blood stasis, irregular menstruation, postpartum stagnation, abdominal pain, abdominal pain, and phlegm accumulation. , bruises and other evidence, the regular phase must be used. Both wines enhance blood circulation. The difference lies in the fact that: Chuanxiong is a symbiotic, warm-hearted, and can not only promote blood circulation but also encourage qi. It is “blood medicine in the blood” and cold stagnant qi stagnation.