通过方板弯曲能量韧性试验和三分点梁弯曲韧性试验,研究了玄武岩纤维和钢纤维混合对混凝土韧性特征的影响。对混合纤维混凝土进行抗压、抗折强度试验,对比玄武岩纤维混凝土强度,研究两种纤维对混凝土强度的影响。借鉴欧洲EFNARC韧度等级划分和美国规范ASTM C1018韧性指数等标准,在弯曲韧性试验中获得变形能量值和韧性指数,评价玄武岩混合纤维混凝土的弯曲韧性特征。试验结果表明,混合纤维混凝土方板能量值达500 J以上,韧性能量等级达到B级,3根试验梁韧性指数比接近100,韧度值均达到优秀,两个韧性试验均表现出混合纤维混凝土的良好韧性特征;玄武岩纤维混凝土抗压、抗折强度较素混凝土增长比例达11%以上,与钢纤维混合作用时,混凝土强度增加更为明显,强度增长比例达16%~20%。
The effect of the mixture of basalt fiber and steel fiber on the toughness characteristics of concrete was studied by square bending energy toughness test and three-point beam bending toughness test. The compressive strength and flexural strength of the hybrid fiber reinforced concrete were tested. The strength of the basalt fiber reinforced concrete was compared with that of the fiber reinforced concrete. The influence of the two fibers on the strength of the concrete was studied. Drawing on the European EFNARC toughness classification and ASTM C1018 toughness index, the deformation energy value and toughness index were obtained in flexural toughness test to evaluate the flexural toughness characteristics of basalt hybrid fiber reinforced concrete. The test results show that the energy value of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete square plate is more than 500 J, the grade of toughness energy reaches grade B, the toughness index of three test beams is close to 100, and the toughness value is excellent. The two toughness tests show that the hybrid fiber concrete The compressive strength and flexural strength of basalt fiber reinforced concrete are 11% more than that of plain concrete. When mixed with steel fiber, the strength of concrete increases more obviously, and the strength increase rate reaches 16% -20%.