1962年泰国首次报导恶性疟原虫对氯喹有抗性,并证实抗性的分布相当普遍。1975年报告恶性疟原虫对法西达也产生了抗性,并在泰国的东部有扩散的趋势。因此,只好使用亲裂殖体药物奎宁代替氯喹作为恶性疟的常规治疗药。1972年用奎宁治疗恶性疟的治愈率为100%,但在近几年发现少数病例治疗无效。 1981年3月至1982年2月在泰国的帕埠他把医院进行此项观察。镜检确诊的恶性
In 1962, Thailand reported for the first time that Plasmodium falciparum was resistant to chloroquine and confirmed the widespread distribution of resistance. Plasmodium falciparum was also reported to have been resistant to faxidac in 1975 and had a tendency to spread in eastern Thailand. Therefore, quinine, the schizophrenia, had to be used instead of chloroquine as a regular therapeutic for falciparum malaria. The cure rate of quinolone treatment of falciparum malaria in 1972 was 100%, but in a few years a few cases were found to be ineffective. From March 1981 to February 1982 in Patu, Thailand, he conducted the hospital observation. Microscopic diagnosis of malignancy