一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)是由碳或碳氢化合物不完全燃烧形成的,是无色、无臭、无味的气体,在通风较差的汽车修理间或车库、有壁炉的密闭空间和使用燃气热水器的卫生间均易发生CO中毒,若未及时发现,极易造成患者的立即死亡[1],急性CO中毒是较为常见的生活性中毒和职业性中毒。在美国每年约有超过50000人因急性CO中毒而送入急诊接受治疗,它是当今世界中毒性疾病中发病率和死亡率最高的一种中毒[2],在我国CO中毒被列入国家法定职业病目录,非职业性急性CO中毒好发于秋冬季节,从事炼钢、炼焦、烧窑等工作的作业人员,浴室使用燃气热水器和室内
Carbon monoxide (CO), which is formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon or hydrocarbons, is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can be used in poorly ventilated car repair shops or garages, confined spaces with fireplaces, and the use of gas water heaters Of the bathroom are prone to CO poisoning, if not found in time, can easily cause immediate death of patients [1], acute CO poisoning is more common life poisoning and occupational poisoning. In the United States each year, more than 50,000 people are admitted to the emergency department for treatment due to acute CO poisoning. It is the highest incidence and mortality rate of poisoning diseases in the world today [2]. CO poisoning has been listed as a national law in our country Occupational disease directory, non-occupational acute CO poisoning occurs in autumn and winter, engaged in steelmaking, coking, kiln and other work of the operating personnel, the use of gas water heaters and indoor bathroom