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  Abstract:American education is different from Chinese education in admission policy, student management and evaluation system. Combing with the current situation of China’s university teaching and management system and evaluation method, as well as the knowledge obtained in cross-cultural communication classthis semester, the article will further make a contrast and summarize the characteristics of the US higher education teaching and management system, and provide suggestions for the cultivation of college students’innovative ability at this stage.
  Key words: Chinese and American teaching and management system; Chinese college students; innovative ability
  1  Introduction
  The current US higher education focuses on cultivating students’ critical thinking, and they have flexible teaching systems and standardized management, such as admission method, students’ management and multiple assessment. Through the analysis and understanding of teaching and management system in American higher education, finding the characteristics of their teaching and management system and take the advantages into our teaching and management system which can put forward a practice for higher education in China and also promote the further improvement of China’s higher education system to achieve the innovative goal of students’ cultivation.
  2  Admission method
  Most of the school admission methods in the United States are open. In order to adapt to market demand, deepenthe popularization of higher education, university in the United Stateshas adopted a diversified and open source of student resources.The college not onlyincludes young high school students of the appropriate age, but also is open to the societyrecruiting non-full-time students, unfinished high school students, and young people with special talents, even students who have entered the school, such as special grade students. The system of American university is mutual recognition and it is quite flexible and developed, and students’different and diversified entry options are acceptable. Therefore, it is diversifiedand multiple schools can be applied by students at the same time. Students can make their own choices depending on their hobbiesanddevelopment needs.
  3  Student management
  In terms of student management, American universities do not have class teachers and full-timestudent counselors. Students’ life and study at school are all completed independently. Theassistants do not provide students with any services in learning and living. After the students enter the school, the individual selects and formulates his or her own curriculum according to the professional credit requirements and the general lectures provided by the school, including the course category, teaching time, and weekly hours.In terms of campus culture, American universities also demonstrate their unique independence and freedom. The school provides students with a variety of free sports venues, fitness and recreation facilities. Students can choose their favorite sports style to exercise and relax according to their own time schedule. The school also has a variety of funds and associations, as long as the application submitted by the student representative can indicate that the meaning of the activity is to enhance the communication between the students, to explore and motivate the students’activities.   4  Evaluation system
  On the other hand, American university curriculum assessments include many forms and methods, such asclassroom participation scores, assignment completion scores, chapter test scores, classroom test scores, mid-term exam scores. Most importantly, final exam scores will not exceed 30% of the total score. Class participation means that students answer questions on their own initiative, and it is much more relying on the students’self-learning. There will be no university exams like China. That is to say, the assessment forms in American higher education are diversified, and it is more important to supervise and test the students’ learning situation. The rich assessment methods help to promote the development of students’ independent and innovative thinking.
  5  Suggestion and Conclusion
  How to educate innovativeand comprehensive excellent students are so necessary to improve China’s innovation level, national comprehensive strength and core competition. The United States has advanced experience in talent innovation and training.Innovative ability can e cultivated gradually by improving the assessment model in university. At the same time, student management should be paid much attention. Higher education should establish many professional classes to help them to do career plan. It is possible to give better advice to Chinese college students’ innovative ability training system. Anyway, university is so important a place to build students’ critical thinking and cultivate students’ innovative ability.
摘要:针对新时代军队院校教学档案管理策略进行研究,分析军队院校教学档案工作新态势,探寻军队院校教学档案管理存在的主要问题,提出军队院校教学档案信息化管理的具体措施,以期提升教学档案建设整体水平,更好地为军校的人才培养和教学科研服务。  关键词:新时代;教学档案;信息化;管理策略  教学档案工作是军队院校信息资源建设的重要组成部分,是教学科研工作的历史记录。随着新时代国防和军队现代化建设的推进,军校
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摘要:科技的发展带动了计算机技术的进步,也让计算机与教育结合成为了一种新的教育模式,本文着重讨论如何将计算机与物理教学相结合,谈谈计算机在物理教学中应用的可行性。  关键词:计算机;物理教学;可行性分析  随着科技的进步,我们已经迈入了信息化时代,计算机技术的飞速发展带动着多媒体与网络技术的成熟,计算机也敲开了教育领域的大门,开始于教育领域相结合,并发挥着巨大的影响力[1]。计算机技术有着自身的优
摘要:党的十九大精神为增强新时代高校思想政治教育创新研究提供了新的理论视角。在新形势下,高校思想政治教育工作的创新对促进大学生早日成才、构建和谐社会具有重要的意义。作为大学生思想政治教育工作的最前线,公寓文化建设承载着重要的思想教育功能,也是营造优良育人环境、全面推进素质教育的重要举措。 本文将结合区域的文化特色、学校整体校园文化和生源特点等组成因素,以社会主义核心价值观为导向,从公寓的物质文化、
摘要:我国教育机构众多,在众多的教育机构中,在培养学生,为社会培训人才这个环节中技师学院是不可或缺的一环。技师学院的教师们,在教育持续改革的背景下,紧跟时代脚步,不断更新教育计划,确立以就业为当前教导学生的主要目标。在当下时代,计算机课程是技师学院中的一门重要课程,这就要求其教师要更注重学生培养,提升其技能,使其能更好地适应社会,完成就业,发光发热。  关键词:技师学院;就业;就业能力  时代在进