当家理财,如果学会打折,“算计到家”,即使收入平平,日子也会过得稳稳当当。 学会打折,首先应该跨过一道心理门槛。不要认为购买打折的商品“掉价”。本来是同一厂家生产的同一品牌的衬衫,甲商场明码标价120元,而乙商场标出的打折价80元,你如果要挣“面子”的话,多给的40元只能是白搭。 商品为何打折 有的是换季打折,有的是清仓大甩卖,有的是节日特惠,有的是新开张营业,图个吉利,多以打折面世;有
When the family financial management, if you learn discounts, “calculated home”, even if the income is mediocre, the days will be flies stable. Learn to discount, first of all, should cross a psychological threshold. Do not think that buying discounted goods “plunges.” Originally the same manufacturer’s shirt with the same brand, a mall price tag 120 yuan, while the B mall discount price of 80 yuan, if you want to earn “face”, then give more than 40 yuan can only be used to. Some products are discounted seasonal discounts, some clearance sale, and some festive benefits, and some are newly opened, a Geely, and more available at a discount; there