一、消化性溃疡消化性溃疡病(PUD)是胃肠道常见疾病,约有10%的人在其一生中曾患过胃溃疡(GU)或十二指肠溃疡(DU),因而加强对PUD的正确防治显得尤为重要.关于PUD的病因和发病机理,虽然目前尚未能完全阐明,但已明确本病是一个多因性疾病.在众多可能的致病因素中,胃酸分泌过多和幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,HP)感染已被认为最主要的因素.早在1910年,Schwatz就提出“无酸,无溃疡”这一名言,这一理论一直支配着DU的药物及外科治疗,至今仍然是正确的.DU病人基础酸分泌、夜间酸分泌以及胃泌素等刺激后的胃酸分泌均较健康人高.最近又有研究人员提出“无HP、无溃疡”的观点,但尚有争论.
First, peptic ulcer Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a common gastrointestinal disease, about 10% of people have had gastric ulcer (GU) or duodenal ulcer (DU) during their lifetime, thus strengthening the Proper prevention and treatment of PUD is particularly important.On the etiology and pathogenesis of PUD, although it has not been fully elucidated, but it has been clear that the disease is a multi-cause disease.In many possible pathogenic factors, hypersecretion of gastric acid and Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection has been considered the most important factor. As early as 1910, Schwatz put forward the statement “no acid, no ulcer”, this theory has dominated the drug and surgical treatment of DU, Is still correct.Du patients basal acid secretion, nocturnal acid secretion and gastrin stimulation of gastric acid secretion than healthy people.Recently, researchers have proposed “no HP, no ulcers” point of view, but there are debate.