近年来,湘南地区利用稻田种植春玉米,危害较重的是螟虫,包括大螟、二化螟、三化螟和玉米螟。根据我们的经验,防治螟虫要掌握如下技术要点: 一是结合翻耕整地,消灭越冬虫源。无论是头年种植玉米的田还是来年准备种玉米的稻田,因为螟虫和玉米螟的末代幼虫往往潜伏在禾蔸及玉米残蔸中休眠越冬,至翌年3月份,大批越冬幼虫便会出现在稻田中,所以,必须抓住翻耕整地时机,消灭虫源。可在翻耕的稻田中灌溉深水,并保持30小时左右,之后立即排干水,灭虫效果显著。也可每667平方米用50%甲胺磷100克加25%杀虫双200克再加水50公斤喷雾,效果良好。
In recent years, the use of paddy fields to grow spring maize in southern Hunan is more harmful to stem borers, including Sesamia inferens, Borer, Borer and corn borer. According to our experience, to control stem borer to master the following technical points: First, combined with tillage and soil preparation to eliminate overwintering insect source. Whether it is the field of maize grown in the first year or the field of rice ready for planting in the coming year, the last larvae of stem borer and corn borer dormancy often dormancy in grasses and maize residues. By March of the following year, a large number of overwintering larvae will appear in the paddy field Therefore, we must seize the opportunity of tillage and soil preparation and eliminate insect sources. Deep water can be irrigated in the plowed paddy field and kept for about 30 hours. Immediately afterwards, the water is drained and the pest control effect is remarkable. Also every 667 square meters with 50% methamidophos 100 grams 25% insecticide double 200 grams plus 50 kilograms of water spray, the effect is good.