浆细胞白血病(PCL),是异常浆细胞恶性增生、广泛浸润各组织器官,并出现急性、亚急性白血病临床表现的一种较少见的白血病。国内报道不多,以心肌病为主要症状的PCL,完全缓解并生存4年更属罕见。现将我院1例报告如下:1 病例报告患者,女,35岁,以劳力性心悸气促4个月加剧浮肿月余于1984年11月12日入院。无发热、咳嗽、骨痛等。体验:贫皿貌,无发绀,面部下肢轻度浮肿,无出血点,淋巴结无肿大,颈静脉充盈,肺底少许湿罗音,心界扩大,心率100次/分,早搏2次/分,心尖部Ⅲ°SM,胸骨左缘Ⅱ~Ⅲ肋间可闻Ⅲ°SM,心尖部可闻及舒张期奔马律,肝肋下4.5cm,质Ⅱ°,脾未触及。入院初诊:心肌病,心衰。实验室检查:血Hb67g/L,
Plasma cell leukemia (PCL) is a rare form of leukemia characterized by malignant hyperplasia of abnormal plasma cells, extensive infiltration of tissues and organs, and the appearance of acute and subacute leukemia. Not many domestic reports to cardiomyopathy as the main symptom of PCL, complete remission and survival of 4 years is even rare. Now report 1 case of our hospital as follows: 1 case report patients, female, 35 years old, with convulsions of the heart palpitations 4 months increased exacerbation of edema on November 12, 1984 admission. No fever, cough, bone pain and so on. Experience: poor appearance, no cyanosis, facial mild edema, no bleeding, no swelling of the lymph nodes, filling the jugular vein, a little wet rales at the end of the lungs, heart expansion, heart rate 100 beats / min, premature beats 2 beats / min , Apex Ⅲ ° SM, left sternal Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ intercostal can smell Ⅲ ° SM, apex can be heard and diastolic gallop, liver ribs 4.5cm, quality Ⅱ °, spleen not touched. Admission consultation: cardiomyopathy, heart failure. Laboratory tests: blood Hb67g / L,