抓紧培养造就一大批适应新世纪要求的年轻干部,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。近年来,江阴市委以党校为阵地,对年轻干部进行集中培训,举办了多期年轻干部培训班。为使培训工作富有成效,该市针对年轻干部的特点,按照新世纪对年轻干部理论素养的要求,改变传统的填鸭式灌输方式,把一些探讨研究、模拟实践活动引进课堂,寓教于思,寓教于乐,增强了针对性、实践性和指导性。学员们普遍反映获益匪浅,认为培训班是学习知识的课堂,是实践锻炼的舞台,是人生征途中的一座加油站、充电站、导航站。该市培训的主要方法有: 知识补充法 针对年轻干部普遍缺乏理论的系统学习和新知识的更新学习、知识结构不够完善的情况,开展了多种形式的学习活动。本着缺什么补什
Paying close attention to training a large number of young cadres who meet the requirements of the new century is a major and urgent strategic task. In recent years, Jiangyin municipal party committee to the school as a front, focus on training young cadres, organized a number of young cadre training classes. In order to make training work productively, according to the characteristics of young cadres and according to the requirements of young cadres’ theoretical accomplishments in the new century, the city changed the traditional cradle-filling methods and introduced some research and simulation activities into the classroom to teach in thought, Edutainment, enhance the pertinence, practicality and guidance. The trainees generally showed great benefits. They thought that the training course is a classroom for learning knowledge, a stage for practicing exercises, a gas station, a charging station and a navigation station during the journey of life. The main methods of training in this city are as follows: The knowledge supplementing method aiming at the general lack of theoretical knowledge of young cadres, the renewal learning of new knowledge and the imperfect knowledge structure, carry out various forms of learning activities. In lack of what make up