Detecting Android Malware Using Clone Detection

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Android is currently one of the most popular smartphone operating systems. However, Android has the largest share of global mobile malware and significant public attention has been brought to the security issues of Android. In this paper, we investigate the use of a clone detector to identify known Android malware. We collect a set of Android applications known to contain malware and a set of benign applications. We extract the Java source code from the binary code of the applications and use NiCad, a near-miss clone detector, to find the classes of clones in a small subset of the malicious applications. We then use these clone classes as a signature to find similar source files in the rest of the malicious applications. The benign collection is used as a control group. In our evaluation, we successfully decompile more than 1 000 malicious apps in 19 malware families. Our results show that using a small portion of malicious applications as a training set can detect 95% of previously known malware with very low false positives and high accuracy at 96.88%. Our method can effectively and reliably pinpoint malicious applications that belong to certain malware families.
为了更有效地发挥省级新农村建设专项资金的支持推动作用,加快实施新农村建设“千村示范、万村提升”工程,近日,省新农村办深入到全省东部、中部和西部有代表性的辉南县、农安县、长岭县和长春市绿园区,就省级新农村建设专项资金投入使用情况进行了专题调研,同时,对2006~2010年5年来省级新农村建设专项资金所支持的建设项目、拉动效应以及支持新农村建设工作等方面,进行了综合调度统计和研究分析。   1.省级
女 ,46岁 ,排尿不适、逐渐加重 5年余 ,排便不畅近 1年。查体 :左下腹扪及一 10cm× 9cm肿块 ,质中、表面光滑 ,稍活动 ,无压痛。CT扫描 :盆腔部膀胱后、骶骨前见管状样密度尚均匀
横纹肌肉瘤是一种少见的恶性肿瘤 ,占儿童及青少年恶性肿瘤的 4%~ 8%。胚胎性 (小细胞性 )横纹肌肉瘤常常来源于鼻咽部 (NRMS)。目前国内外对鼻咽横纹肌肉瘤在CT上的报道较为少见。
2018年11月27日,在上海举办的bauma China国际工程机械展上,康明斯8.9升L系列发动机作为全线非道路国四(CS IV)动力的代表揭幕,功率提升至400马力(298千瓦),峰值扭矩提升11%至
应力骨折比较少见 ,临床上无典型外伤病史 ,早期X线平片通常为阴性 ,容易漏诊或误诊。本文着重讨论CT诊断此病的价值 ,同时与其他影像检查方法进行比较 ,旨在提高对本病的认识。