豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia自从传入我国后,现已遍布全国大部分地区,对人体健康和生态环境均造成严重危害,导致生物多样性丧失,带来巨大的经济损失,是一种典型的“绿色污染”,已成为我国危害最为严重的生态入侵植物之一。根据其自身的生态学特性及其危害以及当前所使用的各种防除方法,同时考虑生态系统的可持续发展确立了防除豚草应采取以生物防除、替代控制为主体,辅以人工防除、化学防除的综合治理策略。
Ambrosia artemisiifolia has been spreading into most parts of China since its introduction into our country, causing serious harm to human health and ecological environment, resulting in the loss of biodiversity and huge economic loss. It is a typical “green pollution ”Has become one of the most harmful ecological invasion plants in our country. According to its own ecological characteristics and its hazards as well as the various control methods currently used, taking into account the sustainable development of ecosystems, it has been established that the prevention and control of ragweed should be based on biological control and alternative control, supplemented by artificial prevention and control, chemical Prevention and control of integrated management strategies.