谁是合适的员工?什么是合适的技能?在日益变化的工作环境中,这些曾经简单的问题越发复杂。领英(LinkedIn)、特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)、思科(Cisco)以及福特汽车(Ford Motor)等越来越多的公司开始在员工的硬技能(学历、技术、专业知识)之外,越来越重视软技能的发展,甚至在很多时候,软技能成为决定人们职业成功的关键要素。本文介绍了对软技能的认识,以及其中一个重要的概念——移情(empathy)。
Who are the right people? What are the right skills? These ever-simpler issues are compounded by the changing work environment. More and more companies, such as LinkedIn, Tesla Motors, Cisco and Ford Motor, are starting to work hard on their employees’ qualifications (skills, skills and expertise) Increasing emphasis is being placed on the development of soft skills, and in many cases soft skills are the key elements that determine the success of people’s careers. This article introduces the understanding of soft skills and one of the important concepts of empathy.