宋代的御筵,在总体上是唐代的延续,但又有发展,特别是排场之大和用菜之多,超过了唐代,一次寿筵菜肴有一二百种之多,是前所未有的。 各皇帝境遇不同,对寿筵的重视程度也有区别,如太祖为开国皇帝,生性俭朴,所以不大重视寿筵。又如神宗,他即位时国库空虚,因而励精图治,其生日同天节一般只赐酒三行,不举乐,甚至仅受贺表而已。最为奢靡的是徽宗,他挥霍无度,对其生日天宁节寿筵专门制定了一套仪式,是北宋之最。按规定寿节5天,即正日子加前后两天。
In the Song Dynasty, the feast of the feast was a continuation of the Tang Dynasty in general, but there was development. Especially, there were more and more dishes and more dishes than the Tang Dynasty. The emperor different conditions, the degree of attention to the life feast are also different, such as Taizu founding emperor, born frugal, so I do not attach great importance to life feast. Another example is the god of the earth, when he ascended the throne when the state treasury is empty, so good governance, the birthday of the same day is generally given only three wine, not delight, or even just by the He Table only. The most extravagant is the Huizong, his extravagance, his birthday Tintern Festival specially developed a ceremony, is the most Northern Song Dynasty. According to the provisions of Life 5 days, that is, plus two days before and after.