2005年5月,作为公共职业介绍服务载体的“上海公共招聘网”(http://jobs.12333. gov.cn)正式上线运行。它的推出是上海公共职业介绍服务模式的一次改革,也是新形势下公共就业服务水平和手段提升的必然要求,标志着上海的公共职业介绍步入了一个崭新的“e”时代。截至2005年11月底,就有2.5万家招聘单位在网上发布招聘岗位60余万个,日均有效招聘岗位达8.5万。同时,有近40万求职者登录网站,应聘求职人数为20万,应聘总人次达近180万,其中介绍成功人数接近 6万。
In May 2005, Shanghai Public Recruitment Network (http://jobs.12333.gov.hk), a carrier of public employment service, was officially launched. Its introduction is a reform of the Shanghai public employment service model and an inevitable requirement for improving the level and means of public employment services in the new situation, marking a new “e” era in Shanghai's public employment agency. As of the end of November 2005, there were 25,000 job-seekers posting more than 600,000 job postings online and 85,000 job postings a day. At the same time, nearly 400,000 job seekers login website, the number of job applicants for the 200,000, the total number of applicants nearly 1,800,000, of which the introduction of nearly 60,000 successful people.