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在新的历史时期,人们思想多元、多样、多变的趋势日益明显,主流价值观和基本道德规范在一定程度上受到挑战,意识形态领域面临着一元主导性与多样性并存的特征。典型宣传作为政治思想工作的重要内容和新闻宣传的重要形式,具有榜样示范功能,是弘扬社会正气、推动社会进步重要途径,对于培育和践行社会主义核心价值观具有重要作用。秉承这一优良传统和重要法宝,不少单位运用典型宣传的“武器”作了不少实践和探索,但还是存在着一些问题和倾向,使得典型宣传的实际效果大打折扣。笔者结合当前形势和工作实践,从增强典型宣传的针对性、有效性和影响力出发,提出了一些对策和思考。 In the new historical period, people are becoming more and more diverse, diverse and changeable. The mainstream values ​​and basic moral standards are challenged to some extent, and the ideological field faces the coexistence of one dominant and one-dimensional characteristics. As an important content of political and ideological work and an important form of news propaganda, the typical propaganda serves as an example and demonstration function, which is an important way to promote social integrity and promote social progress. It plays an important role in nurturing and practicing the core values ​​of socialism. Adhering to this fine tradition and important magic weapon, quite a few units made a lot of practice and exploration in using the typical propaganda “weapons.” However, there are still some problems and tendencies that greatly reduce the actual effectiveness of typical propaganda. Based on the current situation and work practices, the author puts forward some countermeasures and considerations from the perspective of enhancing the pertinence, effectiveness and influence of typical publicity.
摘 要 当前,居高难下的涉诉信访态势和个案平衡、特殊处理的行政化方式,已对人民法院发挥审判职能造成了一定困扰。本文尝试从主观与客观两个方面进行分析,进而总结归纳出诱发涉诉信访的成因,以期能够对完善信访制度有所帮助。  关键词 信访问题 产生原因 客观方面 主观方面  中图分类号:D262.6 文献标识码:A  一、从客观方面进行分析  (一)我国当前的法治尚不健全。  我国当前的法治依旧存在着一些
摘要:事业单位人力资源管理主要是以工作效率和社会公正为目的, 依据相关规定来管理所属员工的过程。总的来说,我国事业单位人力资源管理还是处于安全、平稳的发展轨道,广大干部职工的工作积极性较高,但是不可否认的是,仍然存在着一些问题。本文首先分析了当前事业单位人力资源管理现状,其次,结合笔者的工作经验,就事业单位人力资源管理的发展措施进行了较为深入的探讨,具有一定的参考价值。  事业单位人力资源管理主要