Male, 42 years old, suffering from fever and right ear pain, tinnitus, nostril pain for 6 days, right side paralysis 1 day, outpatient “facial neuritis” in September 30, 1981 income hospital. Check the right amount of skin wrinkles disappear, the expansion of the eye crack, incomplete closure, disappearance of reflex tears, right nasolabial fold flat, skewed to the left corner of the mouth, not wrinkles, gills, saliva from the right side of the drip, tongue 1 / 3 taste diminished. White blood cells 10400 / cubic millimeter, neutral 81%, lymphatic 19%, the day after admission, patients with right mastoid pain, severe nausea, dizziness, vomiting stomach contents 5 times, no nystagmus; the third day right ear Inflamed tenderness, external auditory meatus and ears appear clusters of dark red papules and transparent small blisters, right uvula and flat pick of body area also has several red papules and small herpes, ear, such as the size of beans, tenderness, milk Distinct tender tenderness, tympanic membrane without exception, right hearing loss, vestibular function test and closed head upright test: tilt to the right.