张五常先生近来在一篇题为《中国经济有多危险?》的文章中说:“我是对中国最乐观的人,我跟进了三十五年,以前的三十年我都很乐观,最近的五六年我转到悲观了。到现在经济政策非常不明朗,听不到有些什么是我自己能够认同的政策,路向非常不清楚。”特别是到了最近,英国《金融时报》首席经济评论员沃尔夫(Martin Wolf)指出:“从A股的连续动荡到人民币骤然贬值,中国似乎正不断向世界传递着有关经济健康状况的不确定性信号”;“中国经济增
In a recent article entitled ”How dangerous is China’s economy?“ Zhang Wuchang said in a recent article: ”I am the most optimistic person in China. I have followed up for 35 years, and I have been very good in the past 30 years Optimistic, I turned pessimistic in the recent five or six years now that the economic policy is very uncertain and I can not hear some of the policies that I can identify with myself. The path is very unclear. “” Especially recently, the Financial Times “Said Martin Wolf, chief economic commentator:” From the continuous turmoil in A-shares to the sudden devaluation of the renminbi, China appears to be constantly signaling to the world the uncertainties about the state of the economy. " Economic growth