苯酐:由于邻二甲苯价格的稳步增长,加上市场对二辛酯和聚氯乙烯的季节性需求恢复,使得苯酐的市场价格也受到带动而呈现上升趋势。另外,来自日本和韩国生产厂家的出口货量供应吃紧也是造成市场上扬的原因之一。据悉,一韩国生产商售出的500吨9月份货,成交价在USD570-580/MT CFR上海。而另一韩国生产商则在以USD560-590/MT CFR中国的价格出售了9月份货后,将其对10月份货的报价水平提高到了USD600/MT FOB韩国。日本生产商称其9月份交货的货市
Phthalic anhydride: Due to the steady increase in the price of o-xylene and the seasonal demand for dioctyl phthalate and polyvinyl chloride in the market, the market price of phthalic anhydride has also been driven upwards. In addition, the tight supply of Japanese and South Korean manufacturers’ export goods is one of the reasons for the market’s rise. It is reported that a Korean manufacturer sold 500 tons of September cargo, the transaction price in USD570-580/MT CFR Shanghai. Another Korean manufacturer increased its offer price for October shipments to USD600/MT FOB Korea after selling September shipments at USD560-590/MT CFR China. Japanese manufacturers call their September shipments