屈指算来,周木斋先生离开人世已经有五十四个年头了。在我父亲孔另境的遗物中,保存着大量的文坛故友的信札,其中,周先生的信还不算是年代久远的;然而,可能是留在世上极少数的几封吧! 周先生江苏武进人,原名周朴,号树瑜。1910年8月5日出生,1941年7月23日去世。享年仅31岁。他的作品以杂文见长,著有《消长集》、《边鼓集》(合著)、《横眉集》(合著)等。并有多部关于中国历史和政治思想方面的研究著作问世:如
As a matter of fact, Mr. Zhou Muzhai has lived in existence for fifty-four years. In the remains of my father Kong Nengjing, there are a large number of letters of the old friends of the literary world preserved. Among them, Mr. Zhou’s letter is not old-fashioned; however, it may be the few letters left in the world! Mr. Zhou, Jiangsu Wujin, formerly known as Zhou Pu, number tree Yu. Born on August 5, 1910, July 23, 1941. At the age of 31 only. His works are well known for his essays. He is the author of “Xiao Chang Ji”, “Side Drum Set” (co-authored), “Heng Mei Meo” (co-authored) and so on. And there are many research books on Chinese history and political thought come out :.