Phase formation regularities in nanometer powders of Al-Cu-X ternary alloys prepared by gas evapor

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuruiqi8627361
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The phase formation regularities in nanometer powders of ternary alloys prepared by gas evaporation process with induction current as the heating source were investigated. Al Cu Mn and Al Cu Cr were chosen as the samples in this study. The experimental results show that the necessary conditions for forming ternary compound phases in a ternary alloy nanometer powder are that they must be able to form in a conventional bulk alloy. To obtain a ternary compound phase in nanometer powders, composition of the master alloy must be in a certain range. Changing the composition of the master alloy and evaporation temperature can control the kinds of the phases and their relative amount in the alloy nanometer powders. In present study, AlMn, Al 8Mn 5 and AlCu 2Mn phases formed in as prepared nanometer powders of Al Cu Mn alloy, and the highest relative amount of AlCu 2Mn phase is about 99%. In nanometer powders of Al Cu Cr alloy, Cu 9Al 4, Al 2Cu 3, AlCr 2 and Al 13 Cr 2 phases formed without any ternary compound phase. The phase formation regularities in nanometer powders of ternary alloys prepared by gas evaporation process with induction current as the heating source were investigated. Al Cu Mn and Al Cu Cr were chosen as the samples in this study. The experimental results show that the necessary conditions for forming ternary compound phases in a ternary alloy nanometer powder are that must must able to form in a conventional bulk alloy. the master alloy and the evaporation temperature can control the kinds of the phases and their relative amount in the alloy nanometer powders. In present study, AlMn, Al 8Mn 5 and AlCu 2Mn phases formed in as prepared nanometer powders of Al Cu Mn alloy, and the The highest relative amount of AlCu 2Mn phase is about 99%. In nanometer powders of Al Cu Cr alloy, Cu 9 Al 4, Al 2Cu 3, AlCr 2 and Al 13 Cr 2 ph ases formed without any ternary compound phase.
1917年,驻扎新英格兰的第26“扬基”师102步兵团正在康涅狄格州纽海文的耶鲁大学体育场进行他们的战前训练。自从耶鲁大学附近的驻军多起来之后,流浪狗也随之多了起来。在这众多讨食的流浪狗里面, 只长相兼具斗牛犬和小猎犬特征的混血狗狗,特别受士兵们的欢迎。这群士兵当中,一位名叫RobertConroy的战士和它尤其亲近,Conroy喂养它,陪它玩耍,还给它起了个名字叫Stubby。就这样,Stubb