本研究的目的为观察腕管综合征(CTS)病人使用夹板后其神经潜伏时在治疗前后是否发生改变,也了解客观测定与观察之间的相互关系.为了辨别夹板医嘱的客观标准,用10项变异指标来评定那些有缓解和无缓解病人间的可能差异。资料与方法:作者复习了105例使用腕中立位夹板的CTS 成年患者病史.全部病人均由一位理疗医师评定,标准化的神经传导测定由一位技术员完成.如果患者同时服用利尿药或抗炎药治疗则排除在外.
The purpose of this study was to observe whether changes in objective and observational findings were observed in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) who had their nerves lurked before and after treatment, and in order to discern the objective criteria for splint prescriptions, Variables were used to assess the possible differences between patients with and without remission. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors reviewed the history of 105 adult patients with CTS using a wrist neutral splint.All patients were assessed by a physiotherapist and a standardized neurotransmitter was performed by a technician.If the patient was taking diuretics or anti-inflammatory Drug treatment is excluded.