
来源 :断块油气田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laohu_you
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目的:针对不同储层性质,选用压裂技术系列中的不同压裂方式,使压裂效果达到最佳。方法:对压裂技术系列中的数种压裂工艺和与之配伍的压裂液的特性、技术关键点及对压裂层的预处理技术分别作了论述和对比。结果:压裂技术是低渗油层改造的重要措施,选准适合油层特点的压裂技术是压裂作业成功的先决条件。结论:低渗透、薄油层是压裂作业的主要对象,压裂前后对压裂井的地应力测井、裂缝监测技术及综合测井资料分析是至关重要的,对即将投入开发的低渗油田,整体压裂改造开发效果会更好,压裂井油层防污染保护和套管保护是压裂作业成功与否的关键点。 Objective: According to different reservoir properties, different fracturing methods are selected in the fracturing technology series to make the fracturing effect reach the best. Methods: Several kinds of fracturing technology in the series of fracturing technology, the characteristics of the fracturing fluid, the key technology points and the pretreatment technology of the fracturing layer were discussed and compared respectively. Results: Fracturing technology is an important measure to reconstruct low permeability reservoirs. The selection of fracturing technology that is suitable for reservoir characteristics is a prerequisite for successful fracturing operations. CONCLUSIONS: Low permeability and thin oil layers are the main targets of fracturing operations. Before and after fracturing, geostress logs, fracture monitoring techniques and comprehensive logging data analysis of fractured wells are of crucial importance. For the low permeability Oilfield, the overall effect of fracturing will be better development, fracturing well reservoir anti-pollution protection and casing protection is the key to the success or failure of fracturing operations.
摘要:不同的人驾驶同一部车辆,会有不同的耗油量,原因在于驾驶的方式不同。娴熟的驾驶技术与良好的驾驶习惯可以节省更多的油料,提高油料的利用率,降低驾驶的成本。本文分析了各个驾驶环节需要注意的问题,探讨了培养良好的驾驶习惯与节能的途径,以达到节省燃油的目的。  关键词:驾驶习惯 节能 途径  当前,汽车的使用量在逐日递增,社会对燃油的需求量也在日益增加,导致燃油价格飞涨。因此,如何节省燃油成为当前重要
恶性滋养细胞肿瘤 (malignanttrophoblastictumor,MTT)有远处转移的特性 ,肺转移在各器官受累中占 80 % ,肺转移的X线表现有多种 ,有结节状、粟粒状、甚至出现胸水、肺栓塞的表现。肺脏也是原发结核及再活动