才庆香港回归百年梦圆,又贺人民军队七十华诞。在这喜上加喜的重要时刻,我们特向全军官兵和国防后备军的全体成员表示节日的祝贺和亲切的慰问! 1927——1997,人民解放军走过的七十年,是从胜利走向胜利的七十年。带着南昌城上的硝烟,人民军队在炮火中诞生;冒着井冈山的细雨,踏着雪域草地的泥泞,穿过日寇的枪林,驰骋南征北战的解放战场,人民解放军迎来了一个崭新的中国;卫国戍边,
To celebrate the return of Hong Kong to a hundred years dream circle, and greet the people’s army seventieth birthday. At this important moment of joy and joy, we express our special greetings and cordial greetings to all officers and soldiers of the entire army and all members of the national defense reserve army! The seventy years passed by the People’s Liberation Army from 1927 to 1997 have been seventy years from victory to victory. With the smoke of Nanchang city, the people’s army was born in the artillery; braved Jinggangshan drizzle, trekked in muddy snowy grassland, crossed the Japanese gunfire, south of the Liberation Army battlefield, People’s Liberation Army welcome Came a brand new China; guarding the state frontiers,