
来源 :中国煤炭地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesion001
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聚乎更煤矿区三露天井田成煤期为中生代侏罗纪,煤的变质程度为中变质,主要煤类有1/3焦煤(1/3JM)、气煤(QM)、1/2中粘煤(1/2ZN),次为弱粘煤(RN)及少量的不粘煤(BN),并沿走向呈条带状分布。在井田向斜南翼,变质程度相对较高的1/3JM分布于浅部,相对较低的1/2ZN分布于深部。通过恢复原型盆地煤类分布规律,认为其变质现状是在深成变质作用下、现存构造面貌发生前已基本完成,勘查资料表明,贯穿井田中部的F2逆冲断层将原向斜构造切割成了两个倾向南西的单斜构造形态,逆冲断层将盆地深处的地(煤)层推覆到地表露头,使得浅部煤层变质程度高于其深部的煤层。 The Jujubeng coal mine area has a Mesozoic Jurassic coal metamorphism. The metamorphism of coal is medium metamorphism. The main coal is 1/3 coking coal (QM), 1/2 medium viscosity Coal (1 / 2ZN), followed by weakly sticky coal (RN) and a small amount of non-stick coal (BN), and distributed along the strip. In the southern wing of the Ida syncline, 1 / 3JM with a relatively high degree of metamorphism is distributed in the shallow part and relatively low 1 / 2ZN in the deep part. Through the restoration of coal distribution in the prototype basin, the metamorphism is considered to have been metamorphosed under deep metamorphism before the existing tectonic evolution was completed. According to the survey data, the F2 syncronous fault penetrated through the central part of the minefield cut the original syncline structure into Two monoclinic tectonic and southward thrusting thrusts thrust the ground (coal) layer deep in the basin to the surface outcrop, resulting in a higher degree of metamorphism of the shallow coal seam than the deep coal seam.
从教育学、心理学的角度来看,创新是个体意义上的创新,即是不是有创新是就个人而言的,而不是与别人去比。从个体思维发展的角度看,一名小学生发现了他个人从未发现过的东西,与科学家发现了人类未曾发现过的东西是等值的,虽然二者的社会价值可能相差很大。所以,每个学生只要在他的知识层面上有所发现、有所变革,就是创新。本文就数学课堂教学如何培养学生的创新意识、开发创新潜能的问题,谈一些具体的做法。    一、营造