Analysis of the Reasons for the Differences Between Chinese and English Table Manners

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:otherwang
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  【Abstract】With the development of globalization, international activities and international communication are becoming more and more frequent, no matter in which field, the communication on table manners have become a fashionable way of communication. British table manners are quite different from Chinese table manners, here we analyse the reasons.
  【Key words】table manners; globalization; reasons
  1. Introduction
  “Britain is a country that pays great attention to etiquette. With the development of globalization, international activities and international communication are becoming increasingly frequent in this world” . As a result, the differences between Chinese and western etiquette are becoming more and more obvious. “No matter which field we are in, communication on the table has become a kind of fashion ”
  2. Reasons
  The national culture is greatly influenced by the geographical environment. China is located in the southeast of the Asian continent, the northwest of China is vast desert, grassland and the Gobi desert, while the southeast of China is near vast sea. The Yellow River is a hotbed of Chinese culture. The land is fertile, but the weather conditions are bad. Although the weather conditions are bad, people fight together and they live in a harmony. There are two other characteristics of Chinese culture, which are the pursuit of love and benevolence. Chinese people are pursuing to develop technology, and many technologies are well developed, such as agricultural technology and medicine are very developed. Love is the core of Confucian ideas. Love and benevolence have profound influence on the traditional Chinese culture. The natural life information provided by the birthplace of British culture is not so abundant, people must strive to explore the mysteries of nature. Therefore, to explore the mysteries of nature, the development and utilization of natural resources to serve human kind has become the mainstream of European spirit. In the process of conquering nature and cultivating scientific consciousness, British people pay special attention to the development of rational thinking. At the same time, in the process of understanding the nature, British people are constantly aware of their own.
  Another major feature of British culture is the individualism as the social standard, they are self-centered, they like focusing on the dignity of personality. The dividing line between the interests of British people is obvious, each British people has his own living space, they have non-interference to each other. Differences in the development of physical phenomena affect differences of diets. In the view of Chinese people, different things together can form beauty and life in harmony, such as cook beautiful food by cooked with different food materials; British people emphasis on forming a structure directly from a wide vision. In the eyes of people in the world ,the western world is an entity in the world, in fact ,it is a world of specific and accurate form. But for Chinese people, they attach great importance to “eat”, stress that “hunger breeds discontentment”; the British diet is of rational concept, the British diet is a kind of diet regardless of food color, flavor and taste, shape, delicate taste and whether it is a balanced diet or not.   National character also has the influence on the table etiquette. In the Chinese banquet, everybody sits round and shares a table. This is a form of unity, courtesy, relaxing atmosphere, which is consistent with our national quality “Reunion”. In British banquet style, friendship is the core of the party, guests sit together to have talks, which can improve friendship. And Chinese advocate that courtesy demands reciprocity, while the West pursue equality and human nature.
  3. Conclusion
  Eating in a small restaurant is very different from eating in a high-end restaurant. Etiquette can not be changed itself ,but people can change it. Although the cultural tradition is rooted in the human blood, it can never be too conservative. On the table, one should always bear the proverb in their mind,“Do in Rome as the Romans do .” No matter where you are ,you are always welcomed if you adapt to the manners in the place.
【摘要】本文通过调查问卷与访谈了解到用人单位对高校大学生英语水平的需求,经过对数据的分析与研究对高校的大学英语教学进行思考。提出大学英语教学要基于市场需求,切实提高学生英语应用能力,增强就业竞争力的。  【关键词】大学英语;就业;市场需求  随着社会经济的迅猛发展,我国高校教学改革正在逐步推进,很多地方本科院校正扩大培养应用型、复合型、技能型人才。高校英语教学发展也根据各高校的发展做出了调整。面对
【Abstract】From the Greek myth of Deucalion to the Mayan Myth of Popol Vuh, it is curious that numerous myths concerning deluge have been found throughout varieties of cultures. Whether it is a punishm
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【摘要】国的大学英语在经过了几次比较大的创新之后,当前又提出了新的改革方向,即ESP。而以内容为核心的CBI教学法在教学改革上的作用是非常大的,本文首先总结了CBI教学法的理论基础和教学方法,随后分析了大学英语教学的现状,认为CBI教学法能很大程度的提高医学院校的英语教学,同时还有助于提升学生的自主学习能力。  【关键词】CBI教学法;医学院校;英语教学  前言  大部分高校的英语教学都是采用通用
【摘要】近年来,国家对于中职教育越来越重视,中职学校的迅速发展为社会提供了大量专业型人才,服务并推动当地经济的发展。但是由于社会的不断发展,对于人才的要求也越来越高,英语成为了衡量人才的标杆之一。因此中职学校十分重视对学生的英语教学,尤其是信息化教学走入英语教学课堂,为英语教学课堂带来了新色彩。中职学校要积极应对信息化教学发展背景,积极创新教学手段,创中职英语教学的高效课堂。  【关键词】信息化教
【摘要】元认知是指对认知的认知。本文结合“问题启发、见解分享、清单指引、互评完善、反思总结”教学实践活动,论述了在概要写作教学中运用元认知理论能调动学生的主观能动性,丰富学生的学习体验,培养学生策略调整意识,提高概要写作教学的有效性。  【关键词】元认知策略;高中英语概要写作  一、问题的提出  2017年,伴随上海市普通高等学校入学考试英语题型的改革,一种全新的题型——概要写作(Summary
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【摘要】近年来,在互联网信息技术的影响下,高职院校的英语教学模式发生了极大的改变,学生在英语课程学习过程中的主体地位越来越突出。文章主要围绕互联网信息技术视角下高职英语多元互动教学模式展开深入的分析,通过构建师生互动、人机互动以及学生互动教学模式,提升高职英语课程教学的有效性,从而强化高职学生的英语综合素养。  【关键词】现代信息技术;多元互动教学模式;高职英语课程;英语综合素养;教学有效性  【