【摘 要】
Girls and young women who devote much time to the Internet,get too little sleep or regularly drink alcohol are more likely than their peers to put on excess wei
Girls and young women who devote much time to the Internet,get too little sleep or regularly drink alcohol are more likely than their peers to put on excess weight,a new study suggests.The researchers,who followed more than 5,000 girls between 14 and 21 years old for one year,found that the more spare time girls spent on the Internet,the more their body mass index1(BMI)increased.Similar patterns were seen when the researchers
Girls and young women who devote much time to the Internet, get too little sleep or regularly drink alcohol are more likely than their peers to put on excess weight,a new study suggests.The researchers,who followed more than 5,000 girls between 14 and 21 Years old for one year,found that the more spare time girls spent on the Internet,the more their body mass index1(BMI)increased.Similar patterns were seen when the researchers
被称作“银滩”的地方,绝美的沙岸。远看白色潮头一浪一浪地推上前来,细雨浸湿的彩旗依然被劲风扬起,剧烈地拂动着。新闻充斥着南国暴雨洪灾的消息。海风得意地推进着万里乌云,扫荡了三伏的暑气。风声夹送几乎横飞的雨滴,好像在问窗前寂寞的远来北客:你在看什么?你在想什么? 我第一次来北海,第一次来合浦,拜谒这处丝绸之路史上声名显赫的出发港。面向窗外的海空,很自然地回想起秦汉帝国的南洋开拓,似乎看到云气雾
【摘要】近年来,职业教育的发展越发受到国家重视,但是,目前我国职业中学的教育并不能与普通高校的教育水平并驾齐驱。职高学校不仅存在招生难的问题,而且学生有严重的厌学情绪,流失率高,对职高学校英语教学效果产生极大影响。因此,充分调动职高学生英语学习兴趣是教师的职责所在。本文主要对如何激发职高学生英语学习兴趣的有效途径进行探讨,旨在能够为职高教学工作的开展有所裨益。 【关键词】职高学生 英语学习兴趣
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