Analysis of the Effect and Solution of Geomagnetic Room Humidity on Geomagnetic Observation

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq3248893
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It is not easy to control humidity in a geomagnetic room. If humidity is too high or the change is too fast it will lead to an abnormal change on data. The intelligent real-time humidity analysis and monitoring system of a geomagnetic room and probe can not only monitor and display the change of humidity in the geomagnetic room and send an alarm signal when it exceeds the pre-set range, but also dehumidify intelligently. One can arbitrarily control the sensor to monitor the ambient humidity of the probe in order to ensure that the data is stable and true. The design idea and main functions of the system are introduced in the paper. It is not easy to control humidity in a geomagnetic room. If the intelligent is too high or the change is too fast it will lead to an abnormal change on data. The intelligent real-time humidity analysis and monitoring system of a geomagnetic room and probe can not only monitor and display the change of humidity in the geomagnetic room and send an alarm signal when it exceeds the pre-set range but also dehumidify intelligently. One can arbitrarily control the sensor to monitor the ambient humidity of the probe in order to ensure that the data is stable and true. The design idea and main functions of the system are introduced in the paper.
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