Density-based anomaly detection for short-term land use-land cover change detection using repeat-pas

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Although drastic land use change took place rapidly in very short interval in the Pearl River Delta of China,hardly any research has been done on this for lacking of available data.Located in the south of China,Pearl River Delta suffers from heavy cloud cover for more than half of the year.This makes real-time land use-land cover change(LUCC) monitoring almost impossible using optical remote sensing images.In this paper,the orbital highest resolution SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) data-Fine Mode Radarsat data is selected and three scenes of repeat-pass Radarsat images are used for short-term land use change detection.Short-term land use change caused by human activity is considered as spatial and temporal abnormal in time series images.And a Density-Based Anomaly Detection(DBAD) algorithm is designed to detect abnormally changed land par-cels in time series Radarsat images.After that field survey data are used for validation.The result shows that DBAD gained bet-ter accuracy in comparison with object-based image regression method.Besides,DBAD exhibits greater capabilities in detecting under-constructed area and newly built up area(with error lower than 12%).While for built up area and some mixed used area,DBAD gained relatively lower accuracy(with error from 10% to 28.57%). Although drastic land use change took place rapidly in very short interval in the Pearl River Delta of China, hardly any research has been done on this for lacking of available data. Located in the south of China, Pearl River Delta suffers from heavy cloud cover for more than half of the year. this makes real-time land use-land cover change (LUCC) monitoring almost impossible using optical remote sensing images. In this paper, the orbital highest resolution SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data-Fine Mode Radarsat data is selected and three scenes of repeat-pass Radarsat images are used for short-term land use change detection. Short-term land use change caused by human activity is considered as spatial and temporal abnormal in time series images. And a Density-Based Anomaly Detection (DBAD) algorithm is designed to detect abnormally changed land par-cels in time series Radarsat images. After that field survey data are used for validation. The result shows that DBAD gained bet-ter accuracy in comparis on with object-based image regression method.Besides, DBAD exhibits greater capabilities in detecting under-constructed area and newly built up area (with error lower than 12%). While for built up area and some mixed used area, DBAD gets relatively lower accuracy (with error from 10% to 28.57%).
波利亚说过:"学习任何知识的最佳途径是由学生自己去发现,因为这种发现,理解最深、也最容易掌握其中的规律、性质和联系。"这是一种探究性的学习策略,它体现了全新的教学理念,讨论正是基于这一理念的一种新型的学习手段之一。它能改变传统课堂教学中的那种单一化、模式化、教条化、静态化的弊端。现根据自己实施问题解决教学中如何运用"讨论"方法进行学习,浅谈几点粗浅的体会。  一、讨论引进课堂可以培养学生的探索能力
【摘要】做好班主任工作不仅要业务过硬模范带头,更重要的是关爱学生.有效沟通正确引导.互相理解,得到各职能部门支持.协作,在管理中形成系统的方式方法,使班主任工作顺利开展.  【关键词】班主任工作关爱沟通引导有效管理提高能力    每个学生是个体,班主任作为特殊的个体,即一个班级的领头雁,由班主任和学生共同组成了一个完整的班级体,而一所学校正是由很多班级组成。下面我就从个体、班级、学校三个方面来谈一
【摘要】班级管理工作是学校管理工作的有机组成部分。在班主任工作中,如何调动学生的积极性,涉及的因素很多,本文试用"破窗理论"来探讨班级的教育和管理。  【关键词】"破窗理论"班级管理    1、"破窗理论"的故事  美国斯坦福大学心理学家詹巴斗曾做过这样一项试验:他找来两辆一模一样的汽车,一辆停在比较杂乱的街区,并摘去车牌,打开顶棚,结果一天之内就被人偷走了。而另一辆在中产社区,过了一个星期仍安然
教育的目的是让孩子成长,而不是显示自己的聪明和才华。教育者要保护孩子的主动性,关键是放下自我。教师放下自我,其实就是在学生面前示弱,适当的示弱也是一种智慧。成功的自主课堂是生命激扬的课堂、是思维奔放与碰撞的课堂,是教师少教、学生多学的课堂,是师生共同享受的课堂。   长期以来,"师道尊严"依然在课堂普遍存在,"尊重生命、尊重个性"首先从课堂上教师的"示弱"开始。反思我的教学,有些时候为了能节省时间