《经济常识》区别于其他教材的显著特点之一,是数据通本皆是,这正是经济理论问题需要量化说明的具体体现。根据教材这一特点,我在教学中重视数据运用的主要做法是: 一、充分运用教材中的数据。教材中的数据是经过精选的,内容丰富,涉及方方面面,它是论证经济理论问题的基本依据之一。因而,只有充分运用这些数据进行教学,才能明确结论的做出是必然的、科学的,而不是主观随意的。例如,我在讲价值规律的客观必然性
One of the distinguishing features of “economic commonsense” that distinguishes it from other textbooks is the fact that the data is all about the same, and this is precisely the concrete embodiment of the need to quantify the economic theory. According to the characteristics of teaching materials, the main methods that I value in using data in teaching are: 1. Full use of data in textbooks. The data in the textbook is well-selected, rich in content, and involves all aspects. It is one of the basic foundations for the argumentation of economic theory. Therefore, only by making full use of these data for teaching can we make clear conclusions are inevitable and scientific rather than subjective. For example, I’m talking about the objective necessity of the law of value.