2009年8月和12月,采用样方调查法,对四川省洪雅县柳杉(Crypotomeria fortunei)和杉木(Cunninghami lanceolata)人工混交林的赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)危害进行了调查和分析.共调查了142个10 m×10 m的样方,采用坐标记录法,记录样方内每株林木的坐标值、树种、胸径、冠幅、株下草本盖度、树冠交叠度、是否邻近林窗及其它非生物生境因子(小路、公路、溪水、悬崖)、受害(2 mo以内,以痕迹开始发黑区分)程度共9个参数,共收集3 560株林木数据.分别采用方差均值法和最近邻体法对受害株在研究区和样方尺度上的空间格局进行分析,并在样方尺度上探究植株受害程度与生境因子的关系.结果显示,在研究区尺度上赤腹松鼠危害呈聚集分布,在样方尺度上则以随机分布为主.植株受害程度与其株下草本盖度呈正相关(P=0.007),与树冠交叠度也呈现出正相关(P=0.029),而与其它因子没有显著性的相关性(P>0.05).因此认为赤腹松鼠对人工林林木的危害在研究区尺度上是与其生活环境需求相关的,如食物资源、隐蔽条件等;在对林木株的危害选择上则是随机的,但林木株受害的程度与其株下的草本盖度和树冠的交叠度呈现出显著的正相关关系.图2表5参30
In August and December 2009, the hazards of Callosciurus erythraeus in Crypotomeria fortunei and Cunninghami lanceolata mixed forests in Hongya County of Sichuan Province were investigated and analyzed by means of quadrat investigation. A total of 142 plots of 10 m × 10 m were surveyed and the coordinate values, tree species, DBH, crown width, understory coverage, canopy overlap, A total of 9 560 plantar data were collected for the total number of windows and other abiotic factors (roads, roads, streams, cliffs) and victims (less than 2 months, The nearest neighbor method was used to analyze the spatial pattern of the affected plants in the study area and the quadrat scale, and to explore the relationship between plant damage degree and habitat factors on the quadrat scale.The results showed that the harm of the red squirrel was aggregated on the scale of the study area (P = 0.007), but also showed a positive correlation with canopy overlap (P = 0.029), but not with others The factor is not significant (P> 0.05) .Therefore, it is considered that the red squirrel on the plantation tree hazards in the study area scale is related to their living environment needs, such as food resources, hidden conditions, etc.; Is random, but the degree of damage to the woody plants shows a significant positive correlation with the degree of herbage coverage and the degree of overlap of the canopy.Figure 2 Table 5 Reference 30