目的分析100例乙肝患者的临床乙肝五项检验结果。方法选取2012年6月—2015年6月永修县云山中心卫生院收治的乙肝患者100例,进行表面抗原(HBs Ag)、表面抗体(抗HBs)、核心抗体(抗HBc)、е抗原(HBe Ag)、е抗体(抗HBe)五项检验,分析五项数据分布特征及与年龄之间的关系。结果五项检查指标显示阳性,但是阳性程度不同,其中HBs Ag呈阳性率最高,抗HBc呈阳性率次之,抗HBe呈阳性率最低;通过分析指标阳性与年龄两个因素发现,30~49岁之间的人群是乙肝的高发人群,HBe Ag和抗HBc检查呈阳性人数最多。结论乙肝五项检查作为初步检查乙肝感染的检查项目,可以通过患者检查后的指标性质判断患者感染程度、病毒复制以及患者抵抗力。
Objective To analyze the clinical results of five hepatitis B patients in 100 cases of hepatitis B patients. Methods One hundred patients with hepatitis B who were admitted to Yunshan Central Hospital of Yongxiu County from June 2012 to June 2015 were enrolled in this study. HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, HBe Ag), е antibody (anti-HBe) five tests, analysis of five data distribution characteristics and the relationship between age. Results The results of the five indicators showed positive, but the degree of positive, of which HBsAg positive rate, anti-HBc positive rate followed by anti-HBe positive rate was the lowest; by analyzing the index positive and age two factors found that 30 to 49 The population between years old is a high-risk population of hepatitis B, with HBe Ag and anti-HBc positive. Conclusions Five items of hepatitis B are the primary items for checking hepatitis B infection. The degree of infection, virus replication and patient’s resistance can be judged by the nature of the indicators after the patient’s examination.