一次我发现有位学生在日记上这么写着:“今天老师没有布置家庭作业,我一到家就匆匆放下书包冲出门去,简直象冲出笼的小鸟。我来到附近的小溪边捕蝌蚪,哪知竟捉到了一只小乌龟,我忙把它装进瓶里……”日记写得活泼自如,表现得那样无忧无虑。翻阅着这篇日记,一个问题引起了我的深思:学生怎么会将自己比作冲出笼的小鸟?这“笼子”指什么? 事后我开了学生座谈会,了解他们的课余生活,吸收他们对家庭作业的意见。应谈会使我了解到,平日布置的过量的刻板的作业:枯燥无味的抄写、重复不变的解词,成了学生沉重的精神负担,压抑了学生对周围事物的兴趣。学生真象关在笼中的“小鸟”。
Once I found a student in the diary so read: “Today, the teacher did not arrange homework, I went home and hurriedly put down the bag rushed out, almost like a bird out of the cage. I came to catch a tadpole near the stream , I realized that caught a little turtle, I am busy loading it into the bottle ... ... ”diary wrote lively and comfortable, behaved so carefree. Reading through this diary, a question aroused my deep thoughts: how would a student compare himself to a bird that flushed out of a cage? What did this “cage” mean? Afterwards I opened a student seminar to learn about their after-school life and absorb them Opinion on homework. The discussion will make me understand that the excessive amount of routine homework arranged on weekdays: boring copying and constant solution of words has become a heavy psychological burden on students and has depressed students' interest in things around them. Students really like the “bird” in the cage.