上海市杨浦高级中学是一所现代化寄宿制学校,其前身是上海第二师范学校。她 1997年转制后,在短短几年时间里,继承发扬了前任校长、全国语文特级教师于漪“把一切奉献给教育事业”的精神,使“一身正气,为人师表” 的校训内化为教师团队的自觉行动;同时,根据时代发展的需求,用战略眼光制订了学校的发展规划,围绕“以学生发展为本”的宗旨,从教育思想、资源开发与利用、道德教育、研究型课程、教学模式、学习方式和师生管理等方面做了实质性探索,使学校进入快速发展期,并培育出一批名师。在
Shanghai Yangpu High School is a modern boarding school, its predecessor is the Shanghai Second Normal School. In her just a few years since her system was transformed in 1997, she succeeded in carrying forward the motto of the former president and the national language super-teacher Yu Yi in “devoting everything to education.” At the same time, in accordance with the needs of the development of the times, we formulated the development plan of the school from a strategic perspective. Focusing on the purpose of “developing students first”, from the perspectives of education thought, resource development and utilization, moral education, research-oriented curriculum , Teaching mode, learning methods and management of teachers and students made a substantive exploration, so that the school entered a period of rapid development, and to cultivate a group of teachers. in