为满足空间相机在大视场、高分辨率下进行测量,研究了多片线阵CCD拼接技术,阐述了光学拼接的原理、装调、检测方法和焦面结构。在由长工作距显微镜和精密X-Y导轨组成的拼接设备上,采用分光棱镜、机械微调的方法完成了三片 TDI CCD的光学拼接,搭接误差不超过 1/3像素。光学拼接具有结构简单,成本低和使用灵活的优点。
In order to meet the requirement of space camera in large field of view and high resolution, the multi-slice linear array CCD stitching technique is studied, and the principle of optical stitching, setting and adjusting, detecting method and focal plane structure are described. On the splicing equipment consisting of long working distance microscope and precision X-Y guide rail, optical splitting of three TDI CCDs was completed by using dichroic prism and mechanical trimming method with the lap error no more than 1/3 pixel. Optical splicing has the advantages of simple structure, low cost and flexible use.