一三九厂是航天部第一个荣获国家质量管理奖的企业。对此,我们表示热烈祝贺!该厂之所以能在质量管理上获得国家最高荣誉是全体职工具有坚定的“质量第一”信念,以及在推行全面质量管理的进程中,脚踏实地苦干和坚持不懈努力的结果。这一点实在难能可贵。 本刊系列介绍一三九厂之经验,目的有二,一给大家以启迪;二给他们以鞭策。我们认为,一三九厂是我部自己的企业,可谓是“离得近,看得远”,其经验更易学习。当然,该厂的做法并非完美无暇,因此,我们不希望按其模式照搬照套。
The 139th plant is the first company in the Ministry of Aerospace to win the National Quality Management Award. In this regard, we express our warm congratulations! The reason why the factory can obtain the highest honor in the country in terms of quality management is the result of the firm “quality first” belief of all employees, as well as the hard work and unremitting efforts in the process of implementing total quality management. This is really commendable. The publication series introduces the experience of the 139 factories, with two purposes, one for everyone, and two for spurs. We believe that the 139th factory is my own company’s own business. It can be described as “close and far-sighted” and its experience is easier to learn. Of course, the factory’s practice is not perfect, so we don’t want to copy it according to its model.