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著名心理学家皮亚杰在其“发生认识论”中明确指出 :“10岁左右的儿童已基本具备了形象思维的能力 ,并成长着逻辑思维的绿荫。”从小学四年级学生思维能力的现实来看 ,具有以下特征 :1 形象思维占主导地位。学生思维发展的重要特点是思维的具体形象性 ,即思维总是和具体的事 Piaget, a famous psychologist, clearly pointed out in his Epistemology of Epidemiology: “Children around the age of 10 have basically possessed the ability of thinking in images and growing the greenery of logical thinking.” From the thinking ability of the fourth graders In reality, it has the following characteristics: 1. Image thinking dominates. An important characteristic of the development of student thinking is the specific image of thinking, that is, thinking is always and specific things
我设计的环保无纺布(俗称不织布)袋的基本功能是用于购物,它的储物量经过科学计算,经济实用,是一款绿色产品。  它的优点是选用了新一代环保材料,具有防潮、透气、柔韧、质轻、不助燃、容易分解、无毒无刺激性、色彩丰富、成本低廉、可循环再用等特点。该材料置于室外90天可自然分解,置于室内使用寿命长达5年,燃烧时无毒、无味且无任何遗留物质,从而不污染环境,是一种被国际公认的保护地球生态的环保材质。  因为这