2014 China Products (Sao Paulo,Brazil)Exhibition

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  From 13 to 15 May, 2014, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Guangdong sub-council, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce,and Worldex & Fiera Milano Fairs Guangzhou Co.,Ltd. co-hosted the first session China Products (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Exhibition in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  There were about 150 companies attending this year’s exhibition, mainly from the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Jiagnsu and Zhejiang. With 160 booths and an exhibition space of 4,500 square meters, the exhibit covered electronic appliances,lightings, hardwares, furniture,ceramics,clothing, shoes,home wares, auto parts and so on. The exhibition received about 10,000 audiences and sealed with an on site deal of 5 million US dollars and an intended turnover of 20 million dollars, which was satisfactory to the exhibitors.
  As a BRICS member state, Brazil possesses huge domestic purchasing power and strong demand for infrastructure construction. According to a 2012 global economy survey, Brazil ranked sixth in terms of economy scale. In addition, th e service sector in the country accounted for over 60% of the GDP. Further, the Brazilian economic structure is very similar to that of developed countries, and the middle class is expected to mark 60% of total customer number,which signifies that the country has strong buying power.
  In recent years, the bilateral trade between China and Brazil has been progressing rapidly, and China is now Brazil’s largest trade partner, premier export destination country and second largest import source country. According to Customers statistics, in the first half of 2012, the Sino-Brazil trade volume reached 41 billion dollars, increased by 11% than the previous year. In the mean time, state leaders from the two countries attached importance to the trade relations with each other and pay mutual visits regularly, which is expected to put another plus to the bilateral trade.
  The organizer of the 2014 exhibition expressed that they were satisfied with the success this year, and believed that more companies will come to the exhibition next year, and they hope that 2015 China Products (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Exhibition will be an efficient trade platform for Chinese businesses intending to open the Latin America market.
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