在秘书学的课堂教学中,源于现实社会的案例是须臾不可缺少的,它们对于学生认识秘书工作的性质、规律、原则,掌握秘书工作程式和技能有着重要的意义。 一、案例的多重作用 (一)推导、验证理论。如果把教师上课看作是写一篇议论文,那么,引用案例就是摆出事实依据。在课堂教学中,要让学生接受某种理论,最为行之有效的方式就是引用案例。引用有两种情形:一是在讲解理论前先讲述一个或几个
In the secretarial classroom teaching, cases originated from the real world are indispensable. They are of great significance for students to understand the nature, rules and principles of secretarial work and to master secretarial work style and skills. First, the multiple roles of the case (a) Derivation, verification theory. If the teacher class as an argumentative essay, then quoted case is to put forward the factual basis. In classroom teaching, the most effective way for students to accept a certain theory is to quote the case. There are two cases of quotation: one is to tell one or a few before explaining the theory